Sunday, December 5, 2010


For the winter deprived; Smidgen and snow.

Yes, sledding means you gotta pull your sled up the hill.
That Aermotor in the background is indeed our house water source.

We do have other kinds of sleds, including a classic Flexible Flyer; but this was the choice today. "The snow is pretty fluffy still, the flatbottom sleds will be faster..." "Hu'uh. This one!" Boy, nobody listens.



ok, so the second photo is "clickable", and gets to the full size pic, where you can actually see her face. The first photo- won't. I uploaded them at the same time; exact same procedures. Anybody able to clue me in on why one works and the other doesn't?

etbnc- how do you see those anchor tags? I use Safari- and at this point, can't see any differences.

I DID, though; take your hint; and look at the hypertext language in Edit mode; and was able to copy the stuff from the working one, subbing the numbers from the first; and - it works! Many thanks! Right here:


Tameson said...

So cute! I remember being bitterly disappointed with the runner sleds after a fresh snow, but boy were they fantastic after the sow got packed by saucers and snow tubes! Here's to many more sledding days.

etbnc said...

Looks like fun!

I'm not sure what happened when uploading, but I can see that the first photo has no surrounding anchor (link) tags like the second. I'd paste the link text here, but Blogger seems to block such things in the comment box.

Since the photo itself is already uploaded to a blogspot server, you might be able to add it to the post again. Blogspot might then default to linking it to the larger photo, as desired.

I often think about steering a sled as a way to distinguish how the concept of influence differs from control. That was a useful lesson from a childhood in a snowy place.


Greenpa said...

etbnc- how do you see those anchor tags? I use Safari- and at this point, can't see any differences.

I DID, though; take your hint; and look at the hypertext language in Edit mode; and was able to copy the stuff from the working one, subbing the numbers from the first; and - it works!

etbnc said...

Glad that worked for you. As far as looking at the page source code, well, There's More Than One Way To Do It™.

Most web browsers offer some way to view a page's source code. In Safari, try the View menu and look for something like "View Source".

Last time I looked, Microsoft's browser had something similar tucked away in its menus, too. For Windows users, however, I suggest switching to the Firefox browser as an even better solution. (Just sayin'...)

Blogspot packs a lot of otherwise hidden stuff behind the scenes, and the source view may be unformatted and messy. Usually one can search for text within the source code, which helps. That's what I did first, as a quick and dirty first examination.

There's a firefox extension called Firebug which makes examining page elements a lot easier. That's what I used to compare the differences between the two segments of photo-related source code.


Rosa said...

So cute! Did you get the really dry, powdery snow? It took all the kids in the neighborhood 2 days of steady sledding to get the hill by us packed down good, even with the layer of ice we already had.

I am SO HAPPY to finally have real winter weather instead of just grey, icy rain.

Melinda Foster said...

Happy to see an obviously healthy and happy child who doesn't have to be told to "Go out and play an hour a day."