Saturday, January 26, 2008


Just in case anyone missed this friendly and total shredding of the tattered remnants of my dignity...


your time will come, Crancky!  muahahaha.

(yes, and as the Masked Cruncher says, you hafta read the comments, of course.)


Crunchy Chicken said...

Oh, but you have to make sure people read the comments! That's where the fun lies!

DC said...

You just thought your dignity had already been completely shredded, Greenpa. There are some new comments that were posted just recently by some of your fans that you might want to check out.

jewishfarmer said...

I'm curious, Greenpa, where do you keep your dignity? Is it attached in some way, or something you carry around with you? Is it like a pet? Do we have to get PETA in here, to protest the harm to your poor, cute, fuzzy little dignity?

I'm pretty sure I may have had some once, but it was surgically removed by adolescence, and I haven't seen it since.



Greenpa said...

Sharon- well, it WAS a beautiful cape. Made of qiviut I gathered myself, when I was living for 3 years as a wolf child intern in Nunavut, at the age of 6.

Quite beautiful, and something I could take off, for playing with infants (CC & DC come to mind), or put back on, when in adult company-

And now, alas, shredded beyond repair...

Crunchy Chicken said...

Wow, Greenpa.

That sounds like a really bad follow-up to The Chronicles of Narnia series.

Greenpa said...

Crunchie - does not.

DC said...

"Infants" eh? An infant never could have just posted such an accurate photo of the new Greenbeckham on Crunchy's blog (in the comments section).

Thanks for being such a good sport, Greenpa.