Sunday, March 23, 2008

It makes no sense.

Happy Easter, or Spring, or Bunny, or Chocolate Day.  Whichever.

We're weird enough here that I never thought it would be good to be even weirder; so we tend to observe the standard holidays.  Smidgen found her Easter basket this morning, and I have video tape of her - eating a hardboiled EGG, which she colored and peeled herself- with the basket full of standard candy stuff right in front of her.  Her choice.  Of course, once she'd been shown how to peel them, she wanted to peel ALL of them, right now.

In keeping with today's world- where so little makes sense, to anyone- the Washington Post has been running an annual event focused on... Peeps.  The ultimate sense-devoid object.

They had 800 entries in their contest this year, the best 37 of which are here:  Peeps Show II.  I'll try and keep that link working, though the WP has this nasty habit of shifting their URL's.

Just in case THAT isn't a sufficient overload of distilled silliness for you, it turns out the Chicago Tribune is also running their own Peeps contest...

Be peepared for university-strength silliness.  And just what DOES it all mean?


Anonymous said...

what the heck is a peep?? is it edible? is it a toy? i don't understand...

Greenpa said...

A bit of US and Canadian folk culture...

pure silliness.

Anonymous said...

I had no idea... some people just have too much time on their hands I guess.

mellycooks said...

Wow, Greenpa. It's funny this is the first post I've commented on...your long and thoughtful posts have been so powerful. But I have to say, I needed this dose of silliness this morning. It makes me happy that there are so many people with that much creativity and that they have time to spend it on something that's pure unadulterated fun!

Crunchy Chicken said...

My kids consumed their own body weight in hard-boiled eggs that they decorated on Saturday within hours after finishing the job.

My favorites are the Peep science experiments. Downright fun!

Greenpa said...

Crunch- now THERE is a scary image you've put into my head- kind of Winnie the Pooh meets Cool Hand Luke... :-)

Anonymous said...

interesting... born and raised in toronto, but never encountered a peep. i could see kids digging it. thanks for linking me to that!

Shannon said...

Spent a good hour on youtube looking at peep shows, etc. on Easter. Too funny! :)

Anonymous said...

happy peep day to you! my 3yo daughter also happily consumed her hardboiled eggs, but then dug into the candy. She wanted to know how the Easter Bunny got into the fridge to hide them, since he doesn't have thumbs.

etbnc said...

Off topic, but this seemed as good a place as any for a link to another green living example which includes privy photos:

Green Living in Galapagos

Also along that line:

Greenpa's online persona reminds me of Paolo Lugari, from Gaviotas, in some ways. Lugari will be visiting Philadelphia at the beginning of May. I met him at a similar event a few years ago. I'm really glad I did!

The workshop is sponsored by the Friends of Gaviotas and Green Village Philadelphia. Let's see if I can sneak a second link past the spam sniffer:
