Thursday, December 7, 2017

Now the REALLY Important News...

I was overjoyed today to run across this major news story, by a major news source, The Baltimore Sun: "Most Popular Dog Names In Baltimore In 2017"

And with cute puppy photos, too.

It just really resonated with me; this is the news we all crave, yes?  I was a bit appalled to find that two of my dogs have names in the top 10 here; and one of our horses has another...  Just goes to show... something.

Duke Ellington is attributed with saying "There are two kinds of music.  Good music, and the other kind."

We should adopt similar clarity for the news we consume, I think.  Puppy names, is good news.  We've all had our fill of the other kind.

1 comment:


    Thought you'd like to see this.
