Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Whole Planet Picnic! Again!

  Time zooms past.  Monday is the Summer Solstice- the absolute middle of the year.  Half the year is gone.

  I'm still fighting the tummy thing; so am seriously short on time; most I can do today is link here to past posts.   There are actually a number of them; if you have the interest, you can do a search the blog thingy for those.

  We're doing it!

  Wolfmamma had asked for some specific games we do; mostly after dusk the kids are either catching fireflies, then letting them go; or playing some jungle version of hide and seek.  Before that, there's a fox and goose course mowed in tall grass, and a steep very grassy hill for grass sledding.  One of the best bets; if you've got some elders in the group- ask them to teach the kids something.  That's usually pretty cool.


  1. Hey Greenpa...I'm in PA, too. What neck of the woods are YOU in? I'm in Allentown; volunteer at Flint Hill Farm in Coopersburg. My hubby is your age, and I'm just a spot younger. Maybe our paths have crossed.

  2. Um... what? Where did I imply that I'm in Pennsylvania? Not saying I didn't; just that I don't know where; and certainly didn't intend to! :-)

    I'm still in Minnesota...

  3. Just got over bronchial pneumonia, myself...can't believe how much longer it takes to feel good again...age is catching up...come visit when you can...

    Twitter: SolarChief

  4. I see Kevin Costner has come up with a solution to separate oil from water using centrifugal force....wonder how that will pan out!

    Spent Monday aiding at the local kindy (Steiner 3 year olds). Taught them pat a cake. Tradition carries on... :)

    viv in nz

  5. Hey Greenpa,
    Happy Summer Solstice!
    My daughter recommended this after I had a couple month bout of digestive distress. Sustenex - a probiotic in capsules. I got it at Rite-Aid. The doc gave me a pill that stopped my digestive system cold. A couple days later I started Sustenex and haven't had any trouble since (over one month now). FYI, each capsule contains 2 billion cells of Bacillus coagulans.
